Trump Meets Saint Peter At The Pearly Gates


Trump, RFK Jr., & Joe Biden decide to ride together to the polls, & on the way, they are killed in a horrific car crash!

They all wake up outside the Pearly Gates in the entrance line where St. Peter is the gatekeeper.

RFK Jr. jogs up to Pete & asks if he needs anything special like vaccinations to get into Heaven, & the stern Apostle says, “No, just spell COVID.”
Robert rasps out, “C-O-V-I-D”

Peter exclaims, “Very good! You may enter glory, sir!”

Donald Trump saunters up to the salty saint & quips, “That’s a great wall you got there, can I get in there to check out what’s inside that massive structure?”
Peter replies, “Of course, Mr. President, just spell MAGA.”

Trump chortles out, “M-A-G-A” & Don is graciously granted a visa to cross into the promised land.

Finally, Joe Biden shuffles & stumbles up to Peter, commanding him to open the gate, citing the Democrat open border policy for all!

Saint Peter stares slyly at Creepy Joe, & calmly retorts, “Sure thing, Scranton King, I’ll let you in

All you gotta do is spell TRUNALIMUNUMAPRZURE.”